Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Back Into the Fray

I have been essentially off the air for the last 6 weeks or so. My computer decided that it was time for a rest. Screen started to flicker uncontrollably. You could still use it - sort of - but it was difficult and even more frustrating.

Over Christmas my technologically aware son decided that he would try a fix by cleaning up the software, that is, to remove everything and reinstall. He did so and it made a bit of a difference for a while. Not for long though and back it came with a vengeance and now some of the keys weren't responding.

My normal method of dealing with equipment that is not working as it ought is to apply mild percussive pressure. If that doesn't work then I might apply substantial percussive pressure. This is a risky business occasionally resulting in the destruction of the device, but it can be satisfying and it occasionally works. I decided on this occasion that I would not use this method. Computers still have me a little bit bluffed.

Off to the computer repair firm. Told me what I knew. Keyboard buggered and screen loose but at least now it was confirmed that it was a hardware issue and now, a month and many phone calls later, I have the computer back and it seems to be fixed.

I have had access to a computer, of course. TWOMD has a nice little lap top but, while very compatible in almost every other way, we are not compatible in terms of computer set up and usage.

Anyway, I am back now although I have developed habits of work that might restrict my time on this machine. Should find a bit though.

1 comment:

Sherd said...

I'm sure you can find a few minutes a day, here and there...