You need a plan. Without a plan you spend a lot of time doing things that are not useful, not a high priority or not in the most efficient sequence.
The plan this morning was to spray some foliar fertiliser on to the citrus. This would allow me to cover the whole orchard area of about 2.5 ha before about 9.30 and before the breeze picks up. On completing that and washing out the spray tank it would be about 10.00 and I would spend the next couple of hours connecting and shifting equipment into the shed. (This is the new shed. The one that I have just spent a month or so building. Thing of beauty!) After lunch it is into research on animal welfare.
A nicely planned day that ensures that I get the spray out before the temperature rises to above 30 degrees. After this it could burn the leaves. It will be on 30 degrees by about 10.00. And I am either around the shed or on the front veranda when the temp gets over 35.
Rear tyre on the tractor has a slow leak. No worries. Whack a bit of air in. Compressor - reliable and used all the time - gives a strange whirr and dies. Check all of the bits - oil, air intakes and filters, lines - all seem clean. Fire it up again. Blows the overload switch. Another look. Nothing obvious. Spray some WD40 about. Electric motor seems to be working OK. Internals are something I know nothing about. May be about to learn.
Anyway, is the tyre that far down? Maybe not. Let's go.
Tractor needs some fuel. No problem. Put 40 litres in. Start it to drive out of the shed (new, very nice shed that is) and the power steering is tight. Will need to do a lot of tight turns at row ends so better put some more fluid in the reservoir. Nuisance of a job. Hard to get at the filler and the thread is dodgy on the filler screw. Have to keep the tractor going and reach in past the fan.
Attach the spray unit. Needs to be carefully lined up because it is difficult to shift if you get it wrong. Very heavy. Got it wrong twice but eventually in place.
Fertiliser is all nicely stacked in its new home in the new shed so don't have to hunt around for that. Fill the tank and mix everything in. Nice organic fertiliser. Smells good and tastes OK - although I didn't really mean to have my mouth open when the splash hit me in the face.
Off we go. Not too bad on the time but may only get one load out before it heats up. No cloud and warming up fast.
First row, sprayer on, all the right noises - nothing. Not a sausage. Nothing coming out of any of the nozzles. Quick check of the basics. All working - or seem to be - but there is nothing coming out. A more serious issue?
Now I have a situation.
440 litres of nicely mixed, organic fertiliser all ready to go. The thing is that, if you let it settle, it can be a problem. The little solids all get together and form a sort of gel that provides a nice gluggy mass on the bottom of the tank. The tank is hard to clean. You have to get your head and shoulders inside with you ending up with your legs sticking out. Most undignified and very difficult to extricate oneself. Also a bit uncomfortable. Small children could do it. Pop them in and only let them out when it is clean. Can't find one.
Check the filters I know about and they are clean. I am going to have to start to pull things apart so I need to empty the tank. Find a 200 litre tank. There is a 75 litre tank on the back of the quad. The rest goes into 20 litre buckets. I have no idea how I will move it back into the spray tank. Siphon? Doesn't taste that good. Lift the 200 litre tank? Difficult but not impossible when you have a tractor that is a precision instrument.
Time has beaten me. Too hot and too late. Will have to happen tomorrow but I have meetings in town tomorrow - so Saturday or Sunday. I will be popular. I like the smell, my neighbours might not. Monday another appointment. Maybe Tuesday.
I will do the job properly. Take the unit off the tractor. Put it in the (lovely new) shed where it will be in the shade and start to pull it to pieces.
All nicely in place to come off, everything comes apart as it is supposed - except the power shaft. Wont move. For some reason it is jammed on significantly further up the spindle than it is supposed to be. Try a small lever to shift it back. Wont move. A bigger lever. A hammer. A crow bar. That shifted it. Finally off.
Now was that part of the problem? Don't know.
Phone ringing. Message bank picks up. Rings again. Must be important. Trek to the house. Message to call real estate agent about a rental property. A prospective tenant has decided not to move in so would we like to go to the next on the list? No - forget it, we will take it off the market. If they don't want it then no one can have it.
Now getting angry and cursing is not sensible. Doesn't get you anywhere. So answer sensibly and as if this was a reasonable question.
Phone rings again. Dive back up the stairs, race for the phone. Don't make it and no message. Rings again and this time I get there.
It is not her fault that she works for these people so it is not right that I should abuse her for wasting my time. So I simply tell her that if I want the product I will go to the shop and buy one but that I have a policy of banning any product or firm that rings me without my request.
Back to the plan.
Shifting equipment into the shed is going to increase its working life by reducing the effect of weather and allowing easier maintenance - and with me there is a direct relationship between ease and frequency.
The shifting involves connecting the items to the tractor and moving them into the shed, placing them on stands that allow one to connect them easily next time. Pretty straightforward.
And it was - pretty well anyway.
And I worked out what was wrong with the compressor. Found a drain plug that I had never located before and opened it - when in doubt pull it apart. Out came a lot of water obviously built up over time. I then checked the book to see if I had missed doing something that I should have been taking care of over time. Nothing in the book so I am both vindicated and just a little dirty on the suppliers for not telling me about it - not that I would have necessarily checked.
I haven't fixed the spray unit though. Had a look and a poke about but couldn't see anything that was going to be in any way straightforward so I decided to leave it for a day or two.
If I fix it over the weekend I will have TWOMD to help me. She can .... hold things and such I guess.
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TWOYD says maybe she will do the jobs that need a bit of finesse, like the spray unit, while you hold things and such. She doesn't want the hard awkward jobs and will do her book club 'tasks' while you're doing those jobs.
Perhaps if you weren't so busy on the intertubes you'd have more time to do things.
I guess you've started making a list of things that can wait until christmas?
Now that there is a shed it will be possible to work while it is raining. No more sitting around reading and such. Hot today and I am being a consultant so am inside. Shouldn't be playing on the computer though. Not allowed.
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